Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Guardianship is done. Who gets all the kids?

So last night this happened...

Pavana Died

Kevin died

Kevin Pleaded to live and lost

Sohni did not listen to any advice and proposed to Kevin, who accepted.
Naturally, Kassimena was left to Pavana's sisters Anuva and Sohni. The deaths were too much on Anuva so she moved out to a smaller home. This left Sohni and Kassimena by themselves. Meanwhile it was decided that the youngest of Dominic's children (the triplets Isis, Issac and Isaiah) would be under the guardianship of their grandfather, Kermit. Since Kermit is going to marry Sohni, Beth the triplets mother, allowed Sohni to come pick up the triplets and bring them to their new home so they can be situated.

My weird news of the day is that Kassimena, though a child, already has a college degree. This makes no sense to me whatsoever, but I kind of like it. It will come in handy for her one day.

~Just Keep Simming!

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