The Mahali Family (Sims 3)

Then there is my main family the Mahali's. I don't know about the name, I just picked one! I specifically built a tiny home for them, for it to expand as their family expands. I have pictures of the home at every stage, which is my plan. The mom's name is Belle, and the father's is Liam. They were engaged when they moved in, and got married at the Art Museum. Belle wants to be a professional author, and Liam wants to raise five kids from baby to teen. Liam is a sculptor for his job, and he is pretty good at it. They had their first child, a boy named Doon. The next set was twins, two girls Melissa and Victoria. Right now Liam was going to go to a party, but now he is going back home so he doesn't have to sleep on the couch!
Cabin when first moved in

After the 2nd remodel

They are really starting to roll in the money. I've done 3 additions, including adding a dining room, expanding the living room, and then adding on another bathroom. Right now they are learning many skills, and the children are defiantly following the artistic side of their parents. The parents are both going to be full adults in one day, and so with that they have changed clothing and hairdo's.

Doon (the oldest child and only son) is now a teenager, and has interest in his friend Bernice, although they are not officially dating, it looks to be it will happen any day they will make it official  He has started to learn the inventing skill, and has started a blog! He really could go so many different ways in his adult life! He is growing up fast, and embracing his roll as older brother teaching and watching over his sisters.(Doon also is the only one in the family with black hair, which I still can't figure out how it happened because neither of the parents have black hair...)

The next child is Melissa. She follows after her mother in her looks, with her dirty blonde hair. She is the painter of the family, and is already is at level three or four of painting. The house is COVERED in her paintings. She is a good student, friendly, and really the only thing that would make her life better is some friends and attention from her parents. She already has her life goal to reach max skill level in guitar and painting.

Melissa's twin Victoria, follows after her father with her dark brown hair. However in skills and mannerisms she acts just like her mother. She is writing all the time (or when her mother is not) and is always picking up after herself, and may end up being a neat freak just like her mother.(which is good because let me tell you with that many people, the house is A MESS)

Then they had another set of twins! Both girls, Jaycee and Kassidy. They just became toddlers, and love Doon a lot. Alright, I'm going to try to download and find some videos and some pictures from the family.

So I got a lot to say about my Mahali family... a lot has happened since I last talked!

The mom, Belle, has achieved her lifetime goal. She makes about 7,000 simolians every week now in royalty's.  She invested in one of the business's around town, and is really happy with her how her children, though they had their rebellious days, are turning out.

Liam is very talented, and has many skills closed to  being level 10. He got an award for being such a good sculptor! He is also proud of his children, just as his wife is, and is looking forward to grand children.

Doon aged up, and moved out. He is now rich in a very nice house, how I'm not sure, but he seems to be well off working at the grocery store. He never did get together with Bernice, and I don't know their situation.

Melissa, as a teenager was feisty and quite the rebel. She started street art, which then turned into a major hassle  She was painting the community pool wall, got caught, and fined a 1000 simolians...needless to say she got yelled at when she got home. The second she became an adult she moved out, and is living by herself in a nice size home outside the Monte Vista walls.

Victoria... so much has happened with her it is insane! She went to college, being the "good twin" for fine arts, cause like the rest of her family she is artistic, and her life goal is to reach max skill level on painting and photography. Before she went to college, she flirted with the llama mascot that came to her house and became romantically involved with him. Sadly he wasn't at college, and she looked around for someone else. She rented a small house, and had two roommates who were Tommy and Riley. Riley is a  girl, and really weird...she'd go in the bathroom and yell at herself. Tommy was pretty cool! A bit hard to connect to though. Well there Victoria got into a relationship with another professor (not her professor) but something happened where he got mad at her and they broke up. I'm still not clear on that. Anyway, they kissed and made up, but he wouldn't be her boyfriend again. So she moved on to Tommy for comfort, who became her third romantic interest, and so the game insists she's a cheater when I really don't think so because it's not her fault the one professor wouldn't make up his mind. Not her fault the llama mascot guy still thought he had a chance either. Whatever. The term ended with her passing all her finals, and she went on a date with Tommy to the coffee shop. Here the professor just happened to be, yelled at her in public for cheating, and it was a sad last few hours of college before going back home for a break.

While at home, Victoria came back to her house of chaos with her younger twin sisters who are freshly teenagers and then her parents and a new cat. Lonely, she invited Tommy to visit right away. He visited the next day, she asked him to become her roommate and he accepted finally. They moved quickly from there, became girlfriend and boyfriend, Victoria proposed, and they got married in the park with the whole family there! Her dad got some cute photos of the couple on their wedding day. I have belief to think she is pregnant but I am not positive because I did not hear the baby jingle. She is painting away and getting better, as well as blogging, People really love hearing about her life.

Tommy wants to be in law enforcement  which doesn't go with his degree. So either I am going to have him switch degrees if I can, or he is not going back to college.

Kassidy has grown up into a beautiful young women now, and is out on her own. I do not know where she lives yet, she is also an artistic wonder.

Jaycee is still at home, and after a big rebellious faze just like Melissa, she has grown up into a wonderful young women. Her boyfriend is now living with her (he was her best friend for a while) his name is Ricardo. He wants to be a scientist. They are so cute. :) I hear more wedding bells in the future!

Some random events... Victoria drew her professor nude. She posed for a nude sculpture. An alien visited her dorm.  Liam has made dim sim (my first ever sim to do so) and grilled salmon. A zombie died outside, in which now there is a grave outside, that says "Here lies zombie, died again. Yolo. Or not."

The house has also gone through many more remodeling  The furniture has been rearranged, rooms have been expanded and repainted, and a second floor has been added. I'll give pictures shortly.

That is pretty much what has been happening! Well the big details anyway.

Man. have I got a story!

So I liked my Mahali family so much, and all the children, that I copied the town, 2 other times, so I can have fun experimenting with different outcomes!

Recently I have been playing the daughter, Kassidy. Kassidy moved out to a little house earlier in my game, and now I've switched households to her. As I started with her, I realize she did not go to university, but she wanted to master paint and art skill, so that's what I'm having her do. She took a job as a painter (which is good, since she only had 300 simolians).  She has to go to the library to write because she has no money to buy a computer.

Meanwhile, during my first attempt to go to the library she met a guy vampire, took him back to her house. She started to fall in love  and he lived with her. Upon this I found out he was a gold digger. Seeing that her sister is rich, I sent him that way. Obviously he fell in love with this sister (her older sister Melissa, who oddly enough also attracted other one of her sisters boyfriends before this) and got married to her in one day. Before this however he had bit Kassidy and turned her into a vampire. He came and tried for a baby with her, after which he walked this swagger walk out. Turns out Kassidy is pregnant with her brother-in-laws child, not that she knew that... the player!

Meanwhile this new guy moved into town and his name is Ian, and he's kind of Emo. Anyway she went to talk to him, and they became good friends, then roommates  and now they are engaged. Currently I am at her batchlerette party, which is probably the last get together she's going to have after she has her vampire baby, and is going to have all of that on the down low.

April 13th was all videos and pictures 

There are so many vampires right now! I am playing the Kassidy Mahali version of the Mahali family. Kassidy married Ian, and Ian got a job as a musician. He is at level 4. He is doing very well, but being a vampire himself now, he has to go somewhere to play his guitar otherwise he insists on playing it outside.
Kassidy is a master painter, and working on writing now. She and Ian had a baby boy and she named him Liam after her father. Her older son Dominic, is at the arts boarding school as a child.
Kassidy was going to try to move in with her father after her mother died, to help take care of her children siblings, but her father was too grieved to listen to her. As of now her brother and sister are teenagers anyway, and her father is still alive. 

May 1st 2013

Wow, a lot has happened but I have not updated! Partly because my brother has been using  my computer to play his own Sims game.

Well the Mahali family got enough inspiration points to get an inheritance (which I am saying came from her mother who died) and moved out of their one bedroom home to a two bedroom home. Here Kassidy continued to paint, and Ian continued to work as a musician  They renewed Dominic's boarding school term, but he did not like there, and so they let him come home. He got into a bit of trouble for missing school twice! Once while he mom was pregnant (again she had another boy) and she was mad, so she went and woke her husband up with a megaphone. It was not a good day.

Dominic gains skills extremely fast, and already mastered a bunch. He actually achieved his life time goal already. He aged up beside his girlfriend, and they had a wonderful prom together. On the day after graduation they got married and moved into their own home on the ledge of Monte Vista. Neither of them went to college either, following his parents, and grandparents. Instead he is a writer, and she is an alchemist. OH YEAH! She also asked him to forsake being a vampire, which he did, so NO MORE VAMPIRES! Yay! They are making quite a bit of money for some of the celebrity jobs they have preformed. They are just recently wanting children so I am going to work on that.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Vampires, Singers, Divorce and 10 children. (6/3/13)

SOOO life has been busy and well I graduated! woo! So now with my first free day in forever, I will catch you up on everything. So I realize now I have not blogged in a long time (not like anyone reads this anyway, but hey its fun to read back)

Last you heard Dominic and his girlfriend Malania got married! (By how far I am it seems like  years ago in sim world)  This is what has happened,

*Dominic and his wife had twin children. They added on to their home a small room for the twins. During this time Dominic was sculpting and writing, but was a day care worker until he became a writer.

*The couple decided that their home was too small, and so they moved to a bigger ranch type house, got a roommate and one of Dominic's brothers to help them pay for their house

*Malania decided overnight to become a singer, and at first Dominic was supportive, but then she was gone all the time preforming song-a-grams.

*A love spell went wrong, and Malania hit on Dominic's father (yes the vampire one who cheated on his mom with his aunt then married his aunt for money, then got divorced from her and ended back up with his mom then cheated on his mom with Dominics wife. That dad is really something else) , who then flirted with her, and then came to their house and kissed her. Which caused Dominic to get really mad, and start yelling at her in front of his newly adopted niece (his brother and the roommate got married. Fancy that.) Of course the singing thing came up in the fight, and they became enemies and got divorced. Dominic left taking the kids with him to a smaller house (which I think Kassidy (Dominic's mom) lived in at one point, because I built the house).

*Dominic met this new girl who came to town with her two teenage children, whose name is Beth. They soon became friends and moved in, then got married :). Their kids all had issues due to their parents and were all divas so it was an interesting household, Long story short all of those kids moved out at some point or another.

*Dominic and Beth had a baby girl named Belle after her Great- grandmother (she is now dating a guy and moved out in her own home.)

*Dominic and Beth had triplets which are now teenagers named Bevella, Juliet, and then Mark

*Dominic and Beth had twins which are toddlers now named Dominic Jr and Greg.

So with their blood children each had 8 children, counting step children Beth and Dominic have 10... 10 children! Crazy right?

And that is pretty much the run through of what has happened now everything is caught up.

Bevella is grounded cause she stayed up talking to a boy she has a crush on past curfew and the police took her home.

Juliet is having a mean streak and moodiness so she is snubbing Bevella any time she sees her

Mark is just surviving and taking care of the toddlers.

So, this family since I have been with them so long I have some pet peeves about them. Such as no matter what since Kermit (Dominic's dad) the hair style for every boy has been the same. I CANNOT GET RID OF IT. Also all the kids, no matter the moms hair color, have blond hair. Its crazy.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Updated Mahali family 1st and 2nd Generation

As mentioned previously the Mahali family is one of my best families, and one of the largest I have ever done. I am currently on fourth generation going on fifth.  The forth generation consists of 12 members. Yes, 12.  I will do my best to update on all of them and provide an overview. In the previous post there are links to other posts about this family.

I think this family is the best constructed and best progressed family I have ever played. It is a little crazy, but it is sims so what do you expect?
On top is Liam then Belle
(Goes from left to right eldest to youngest in second row)

Anyway, the Mahali family started out with Liam and Belle. They lived in a tiny little cabin in Monte Vista. Liam was a scupltor and Belle a writer. They worked extremely hard at their professions, and were able to expand the home. This is a good thing because the couple would go on to have 7 children. Both are dead.

The eldest was a son named Doon. Doon did not do much in his life, he moved out when he was old enough and never looked back. He came around once and a while for weddings, or birthdays. Doon is now dead

Next was a set of twin girls, Victoria and Melissa. Victoria went on to Sims university and did various things. She got married to Tommy, who took her last name. Together they had Kaine. Victoria and Tommy are both dead. Their son Kaine is an elder, who never married. He has an athletic degree, but no job.

Melissa is interesting because she ended up marrying her younger nephews father (he was with her younger sister Kassidy, but married her sister to be rich). Melissa and Kermit Grove got married, with one small problem, Kermit is a vampire. Kermit turned Kassidy and Melissa into vampires which is why they are still alive today.  Melissa is rich, has a communications degree, and works as a painter. At some point her and Kermit got divorce all on their own with no "god handling" on my part. I do not know what happened.

Next are the twins Kassidy and Jaycee. Kassidy as I told you had a child, Dominic with Kermit. When Kermit left her for her sister, she got together with another vampire named Ian. Ian also took the Mahali name. With him she had Kyle and Liam (after his grandfather). Liam would go on to marry and adopt a daughter. At one point Kassidy got back together with Kermit, and divorced Ian. I do not know much about Jaycee except she's dead now.

The final set of twins are Magdaline and Marius. The two are elders and never married. They inherited the family home. Magdaline has a job at the grocery store and a degree in athletics. Marius has no degree and is unemployed.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Mahali family 3rd and 4th Generation

The third generation is the children of Kassidy, and then Kaine.

Dominic had his first wife Malania, and had twins with her named Bethany and Kevin.  Then Malania decided to become a singer and was gone all the time. Somewhere along the line a spell backfired, and Kermit Dominic's dad kissed Malania, which resulted in Dominic and Malania getting a divorce.

Dominic then moved out with the kids. After a while he met Belle, who was a single mother of two girls Lorali and Maggie.

Bethany, Kevin, Lorali and Maggie did not get along really well and were the first teens to ever be sent on timeout in my game. It was an interesting time. Bethany is not married and is in the athletic career. Kevin is a burial specialist (he works in the mausoleum).  Lorali is rich but unemployed, probably living with Maggie who is a playground monitor.

Meanwhile Belle and Dominic had eight more children. Okay, buckle your seat belts everyone, here we go.

The eldest of the eight is Belle Mahali. She is living with her business boyfriend Hector. She's also in the business field.

Next is Bevella who is married to Morti Langmor. Together they make up a band.

After Bevella is Juliet. Juliet is one of the characters I am playing now, she lives with her brother Mark and his wife now. She is currently a cash register specialist, but just got a communications degree and is going to probably go into journalism. She and Mark don't get along well, which is funny since they live together.

Mark is next obviously. He is married to Abbey. The couple are expecting their first child (FIFTH GENERATION I AM SO EXCITED) He is a playground monitor, and Abbey works at the grocery store.

The following siblings are twin boys, Dominic Jr and Greg. They are children.

The last set of twins are girls Jamie Ann and Kathy Rose. They are toddlers!


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