Saturday, August 23, 2014

I have started a new sims YouTube channel with my best friend

The new channel is located here

No Cheat Challenge

So I have decided that I am going to try and have a sims game in which I don't use any cheats.

The lucky sim that is not going to get any help from me is Winter Powell. She lives in the Island Paradise town Islo Paridiso. She is a city girl who is moving out here to get away from the stressful business life her family had. She is not here for a vacation though because she is here to start running some resorts.

She is starting out with only $1,689  simolians to start out with. She lives in a one bedroom home.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Guardianship is done. Who gets all the kids?

So last night this happened...

Pavana Died

Kevin died

Kevin Pleaded to live and lost

Sohni did not listen to any advice and proposed to Kevin, who accepted.
Naturally, Kassimena was left to Pavana's sisters Anuva and Sohni. The deaths were too much on Anuva so she moved out to a smaller home. This left Sohni and Kassimena by themselves. Meanwhile it was decided that the youngest of Dominic's children (the triplets Isis, Issac and Isaiah) would be under the guardianship of their grandfather, Kermit. Since Kermit is going to marry Sohni, Beth the triplets mother, allowed Sohni to come pick up the triplets and bring them to their new home so they can be situated.

My weird news of the day is that Kassimena, though a child, already has a college degree. This makes no sense to me whatsoever, but I kind of like it. It will come in handy for her one day.

~Just Keep Simming!

Monday, August 11, 2014

8/10/2014 Who is going to take the children? Big family problems.

So some of the children in the Mahali family are missing, but are still on the family tree. I am not sure if the social worker came and took them, or if it is a glitch. For sanity sake, I am going with the social worker option.

Right now I am in the iconic Mahali house, where most of the people are elders. Kevin, now a level 5 resident doctor, and his wife Pavana are nearing the end of their days. Their daughter, Kassimena, who has not gone missing is a child. Pavana's sister Sohni (the one dating Kermit) is also in this house, but is just an adult. Recently Pavana and Sohni's older sister came to live with them as well since she too was getting up in age.

At the other huge Mahali home, Beth is now an elder. She lives with Kathy Rose and the triplets. The triplets have just became children.

This all leads the to question "who is going to take care of the children when the elders die?" For Beth Mahali she is leaving the triplets to her daughter Kathy Rose. Despite being put down as the one to be their legal guardian once Beth dies, I do not think Kathy Rose wants the responsibility of such a huge house and three children. Also they do not have much money in the bank anymore which is leading to the fact that they have to move out of the huge home they live in and downsize.

Kevin's daughter on the other hand would then be left to Kevin's sister in law (the one dating his vampire grandfather). She does not seem responsible enough to take care of any children, especially since last night she got drunk, missed work, then called Kermit over just to be blown off by him (see picture later on). Today she was helplessly thinking about Kermit. She should really find a better guy and move on.

Naturally I am thinking once these tragic deaths occur, which could be at any moment, that the two households join. However, I also think two unqualified guardians are not better than one. All the other siblings are occupied with their own jobs and families to help out. I really do not see what is going to happen here.

Have any suggestions? Let me know! Until then ~Just Keep Simming!