I have not blogged in a while for various reasons. Most of which being the fact that I am going to youtube videos for a lot of my updates. I do however realize that most of the stories are on here, and want to continue them for my own benefit.
My plan is to continue the Mahali family for as long as I can on Sims 3. I also have my no cheat challenge still available on sims 3. I however am no longer going to be starting new sims 3 families for the time being. I am not saying I never will, because lets face it Sims 3 is a beautiful game, but for right now any new family will be a Sims 4 family.
For the most recent Sim's 3 Mahali family updates please check out this playlist:
Mahali Family Playlist
The sims 4 Mahali family have taken on its own life (of course it would be extremely hard to replicate past events for a variety of factors). Right now I am with Sims who really are not part of the Mahali family except for the baby who is Doon's child.
For updates on the sims 4 Mahali family click on the link below:
Sims 4 Mahali Family Playlist
One of my newest families is the Hughuo family. They are of course on the sims 4. I have no videos up about them yet because I have not had time, nor the patience to try and make a video about them. Plus, not much was happening that was exciting enough to make a video about. Instead I plan to just blog about them, and if there is the need for a video I will add that as well.
Sidenote: as mentioned before Sims 4 does not have family trees :(. This means I have to go and make them myself. So far I am using word to do this. If you have a suggestion of a family tree that I could use that does make them real people in a larger database that would be great.
The Hughuo Family
The Hughuo family has 3 different names in it, but since Mason is the head of this household I shall refer to it as the Hughuo Family. The three different names is because Sims do not change their names when they get married unless you change them. Weird I know. The Hughuo family consists of Mason Hugho and his wife Elissa Quintina. Elissa is in her 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Living with them is her sister, Johanna and Johanna's boyfriend Chance Norman.
Mason is currently a level 2 in the astronaut field. Elissa is unemployed. Johanna is a chef, and Chance is working to be a super spy I believe. Chance was rich, so when he moved in with the family he brought in lots of money. This was great because their two bedroom tiny house was not going to be enough for Mason and Elissa's child. So they moved to a new home that I created and think is kind of cool.
Mason cringing at his Violin skills |
Chance viewing the computer |
Johanna |
Mason talking to a very Pregnant Elissa.
So this is what is going on right now. I am going to update some videos about my Mahali sims 3 family and upload that to youtube.
~Just keep on Simming!