Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Rosefield- Martin Family

The Martin Family lives in Hazelwood, pictures of which are already in a previous post.

The Martin family consists of Morgan Martin and his wife Elizabeth. He has a teenage daughter named Anna, a child son Melancton, and a toddler named Sarah . They have two employees with them, a maid named Katy and a cook named Rosie.

Morgan Martin wants to be the "Leader of the Free world" at the top of the politics. As mentioned before him and Mr. Rushing do not get along at all. He feels that they should share their wealth, while the Rushing family is all about keeping their wealth.

It is quite interesting because as I started playing the family, Elizabeth is already juiced (A.K.A she is drunk). This should be interesting.

~Just keep Simming!

Rosefield- Rushing Family

The richest family in Rosefield is the Rushing Family, they live in a huge mansion that I made.
1st floor of Rushing Mansion

2nd floor Rushing Mansion

3rd floor of Rushing Mansion

The parents are Conan and Maribel. Conan wants to be in business, and Maribel is an artist. They have 3 daughters and one son. Odessa and Ona are teenager twins. Opal is a toddler, whose twin brother is Ori. They have a live in cook/maid/ servant  named Annsley Annelie. They also have a butler.

Odessa playing the piano

Mr. and Mrs Rushing

(from left to right) Opal and Ona. 

My plan is to start getting all the families in the town started, then play one of them extensively. Conan Rushing and Morgan Martin do not like each other at all, creating a rivalry in the town. So the next posts about this town will really be set up for later, and introducing the town.

~ Just keep simming!

Sunday, May 25, 2014


I have named my town Rosefield. I am still working on creating and populating the town.

The latest house is a Garden house for the Rose family.

Garden House Kictchen
Outside of the home.

Living room
It is slow going. I have to make about 3 more families before I can start playing.

~ Keep on Simming!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Sunny View Butterfly Rose style

So as I mentioned earlier today I am working on making my own town from scratch. Some are buildings I made, some are buildings I put down. I am planning on trying to play all the families or get them all started.

One of the richer families is the Martin family, based on a real historic family who lived in their home Hazelwood. I tried my hardest to replicate the house. The family is not exactly like the real Martin family, but that is alright. While they are quite rich, they care more about family than about their riches. However, they do take their status importantly.

The wealthiest family in town is the Rushing family. They own the largest lot of land, and have the biggest house complete with a full library (pictures will come later). The Rushing family is very much about their money.

I sense a rivalry in this town already! As more wealthy people catch wind of the draw of this town being high class, the more out of place it will become to not be wealthy. There are some more laid back people in the town, but it shall be interesting to see how it progresses.

5/20/2014 What is new in Butterfly Rose's sim world

I have not blogged lately, but that does not mean that things have not been happening. I have decided to take a  break from the Mahali family (I do have some news about them later), and work on making a new town from scratch. That means I am making all the homes, and all the family's. It is quite the undertaking.

As for updates on my other games....

Hunger games one I have not played again yet. 

In the Messina family I am working on getting the teenage daughter on dating a new guy who just moved to town. They are going to prom together and I hope it goes well! Other than that the family is just surviving. The son is going to boarding school, and the cats are fighting for attention from the parents with the baby.

The Mahali family is as interesting as always (do you expect any less from the infamous family?). Bethany and  Prince Varick got engaged, after not moving their relationship any farther forward for a  few days. They  are not positive they want to be together, but as for right now they seem to be happy together. Since they are most likely moving out, Kevin has to start making plans to provide for his family he is starting. Since his wife is not going to work, they brought in her sister to help try and get a little extra money once Bethany and Prince Varick leave. Kevin quit his job at the cemetery, and became a doctor to also help bring in more money. 
Bethany and Varick

The ghost of the Zombie that died on the Mahali lot all those years ago taking a picture of the
amazing moment. 

Bringing in the sister though is proving to be quite interesting because of course she has fallen in love with no other than Kermit Grove. Yes, the same Kermit who is Kevin's grandfather. The Kermit who left Kassidy for her older sister because of money, married the older sister, and somehow got divorced from her (the divorce was not my doing). After getting back with Kassidy, he cheated on her with Dominic's wife at the time (that time it was not really their fault a spell went wrong and well there you go). He is still alive of course because he is  a vampire. He began the Mahali family vampire curse that Dominic happily ended. Now, despite still living with his ex-wife, he is on to Kevin's sister-in-law. Sadly no one warned the poor girl. I cannot imagine how poorly Kevin's wife will respond when she finds out her youngest sister is with her grandfather-in-law. 
The sister

I have a town to go build, but I will have pictures up of the houses as soon as possible. 

~Just Keep Simming!!