Friday, November 30, 2012

November 25th 2012

Wow, a month until Christmas, thats crazy!! Okay so I think I am this huge simmer, and in reality I am not, because I only have 3 of the sims expansion packs, and only play two of them. Disappointment :(. 

Anyway I have been reveling in playing my new version of PETS. I finally got it on Black Friday, even though it really wasn't on sale.. :(. But I decided I'd end up getting in anyway, and since I have no urge to get any of the other expansion packs, I decided just to get it. It is ADORABLE. I LOVE SIMS PETS.

So far I've had some interesting things happen, such as this one family who's name escapes me right now, but they have a dog and two horses and a burglar came and the guy horse flipped out, and I was like whoa!!

Today before my computer shut down on me (which is why I am blogging right now instead of playing the game cause I am scared to see where I last left off before saving :(. ) I was playing my Halliwell family, which is really now a different family name, but same line anyway. Dalton is now a teen, and Andreda had another boy named Westley. Boys are popular in this generation, go figure. I'm trying to get Dalton with this new girl, but she's been having a lot of bad days lately and so I am not sure how that is going to be honest. Andreda is making painting master pieces worth 1,000's of dollars, and I've just been hanging them on the wall for a rainy day fund. They also own two businesses and a fishing hole, and both Nigle and her work, and write and now Dalton picked up a part time job, so money money money!! Yay! They are so well off right now its not even funny. Except I've been battling the appliances as they continue to break in succession, finally I decided to buy them a new fridge, and make Nigle start repairing the sinks and stuff...shoot that's before the game shut down.......

Have I ever mentioned how quirky this game is? Every time I have to start to play it, close it, then restart it just for it to work. I mean it is so unusual. For those of you who stumble some how on this blog and are like... ugh a teen writing about a game this is so stupid, well read it! Better yet play the game! It never has a same thing happen twice, because it is so random and weird, it can fit any person.

It is like life.

Wow this has been the most I've said in a long time and a lot of it isn't even about my sims. I don't know how many pictures I have for today... and I should probably download some videos. OH that is what I was going to talk about. I was with the "Halliwell" family and they adopted this adorable kitten and they took this kitten with them to the summer festival, then the poor kitten had to make a trek all the way back home. It was cute, but kind of sad. I might have a video of it actually.

Just keep simming everyone!
~ Note : I know the date doesn't match, but it did not want to post on this date, so it is a bit delayed.

Monday, November 19, 2012

November 19th 2012

So the Dean family is the first family to experience three different seasons (Summer, Fall and Winter). It has been interesting because their first child Storm was born during a Thunderstorm on a full moon, then they had twins Luna, and Ice in a snow storm on another full moon! Kinda crazy and extremely unplanned. They moved into a cute farm house that has more room for them. It is adorable!!

This is George Dean building an igloo

Keep on Simming everyone!! Oh and Please Comment your ideas for a new family, or
a story line, or something that you would like me to do :)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

November 18th 2012

Well I've started out today with a new household for a change. Her name was Keira Martin, and I had her wish to be a head CEO.  She moved to Riverview in a nice two bedroom home. There she tried online dating, and started to try to date her boss, who rejected her love letter she sent her. However online she met someone, who she ended up becoming good friends with. George Dean is his name, and he is in Law enforcement, and after his mom died he promised he would do great good. He moved in with Keira, and then slowly they fell in love, and got married! He successfully convinced Keria to change her life goal to having a large family, and they are expecting their first child. Keira is very good at the festivals. She won the apple bobbing competition.

Interesting news for them is they got robbed, and now they got visited by an Alien. Interesting right?

This is a different family, but I think I lost all of this.


This is Keira

ALIEN look at the name!

Aww a wedding slow dance
Keep on Simming everyone!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November 14th 2012

hey!! 3 people read my blog!! Thank you :) I am glad!!

Sooo guess what?

I got sims Seasons yesterday!!!  And I finally hit fall today (yesterday I only got rain, which is awesome but come on, rain? Just rain?)

Anyway, I found out that Arie Wyatt is dating Georgina.. which is Greg (Aella's husband) sister.
So I found that interesting. Aella and Greg had a baby boy named Greg Jr. And moved out to their
house I made them which was an ordeal because it would not let me move them!!


But I figured it out :).

With the seasons I created a new family, conveniently named Frost, to test out the weather. Heath and Stephanie Frost. They live in a cute one bedroom home. It is adorable!! They bought some of the book store so they will get payments for that!  1,000 simolians a week sounds good to me! Heath wants to be a cook, and is cooking a way while Stephanie wants to be an astronaut (which my brother was so flabbergasted about... why I  am not sure.) I am having some trouble with Heath, because he has discovered fireworks, and like any guy with fire he is now obsessed. I mean OBSESSED. All his wishes revolve around getting more fireworks! So today... there was a smoke bomb in the house... and well the smart guy that he is, he light it in the house... and well set the house on fire. It is a good thing that he is brave because he jumped right in and extinguished it!!However he woke up Stephanie, and she wasn't too pleased... and angry wife is not good. Poor firework obsessed Heath.

This is  Andreda painting. LOOK AT THAT SCENE

Here is some of the family for you to get to see

here is the death of a random sim!

Nile's writing is a hit!

Water balloon fight (Stephanie is left, Heath right)

Smoke bomb!!
If I got this right this is the video showing rain (From sims point of view)
I think this is the smoke bomb...
Keep on Simming :) ♥

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Today has been an eventful day in my Sims... well not really to be honest. Aella however is pregnant! Go figure, adopt a kid then you end up pregnant, the ironic world is at it again! The family also invested in the fortune teller place, so hopefully they can make some money. With the house becoming crowded, and Andreda not getting any younger (she wants another child), the Gregory's are building a house for themselves to move into as soon as the baby is born. It is actually a pretty cool house I think, as the designer of it I'm very proud of it. I will put up some pictures of it. As far as anything entertaining happening, Nigle caught a toad, which cracked me up. Andreda is creating paintings worth hundreds of dollars. She is so pretty so I hope they can have a daughter next time around, if not, oh well. I do not think anyone has died lately, at least not to my knowledge. Dalton and Penelope are becoming good friends, she is a wonderful cousin taking care of him.

If something eventful comes up, I'll update! Here are some pictures of the day.
This is the first floor of the Gregory House

this is the second floor of the Gregory house

This is Nigle catching the toad
This is Penelope (left) and Dalton (right)
playing together
This is the outside of the Gregory house.

This is Penelope and Dalton hugging :)
Just keep Simming everyone :) ♥

Saturday, November 10, 2012

November 11th 2012

Here is some updates on the Halliwell family. Well the last name Halliwell is now pretty nonexistent in the town. Prue and Piper have passed away, Pheobe however is still living. All of Pipers children are adults. Leo is young as ever because he is a fairy. Andreda and Nigle had a baby boy named Dalton. Oh! They moved!! The house they were in was just not fit for a baby, so they moved into a house that I made myself! (I am quite proud of it). It is my first split level home in the sims and I think it turned out pretty well. Andreda kept her part time job after lots of debate, she continues to write and paint beautiful paintings!! Nigle is a journalist and working very hard.

Aella has had quite the past couple days. Finally she entered a romantic realtionship with Greg Gregory, (Her werewolf friend) and he moved in. After this they took it slow and finally they got married. They were trying for a baby, but finally gave in and adopted a daughter named Penelope Gregory. So now the Halliwells, who turned into the Wyatts are now Niles (Nigles last name, although Andreda kept Wyatt and so Dalton's last name is Wyatt at the moment) and Gregory. Funny how that changes over time! Dalton and Penelope (the P names are coming back) are third generation.

Here are some pictures from the past couple days....

Some random guy just died at the house

This is Aella serenading Greg

This is Greg proposing to Aella

I thought this was hilarious, it was a tragic clown, apparently
Witches can turn people into tragic clowns with the right elixir
and Aella was sobbing over the poor mans luck.

This is the view behind the Gregory/Wyatt/Niles household.
Pretty awesome huh?

this is the first level of the house. I just rearranged it
so that the split part is a dining room, the bathroom used to be a kitchen,
and the kitchen was the dining room. The dining room was
the living room. 
This is the second floor. The back left corner room is Aella and Gregory's bedroom
the lower left Andreda and Nigles room. In between is Daltons nursery room.
The back right room is Penelopes room.


Family tree. You can see both of Nigle's parents are dead. And Maxwell halliwell is still alive, but Piper is not.
Alright everyone. Keep simming!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday, November 5th 2012

Yesterday I played some sims and realized I have some catching up to do. Aella and Aldreda both are young adults and moved into their own home. Its a small house but nice and quaint. Aella is working on being a musician and she level three, and Aldreda is painting and writing as well as working part time at the Spa. Aella has a love interest, but they are not seeing each other all that much, she also is good friends with a werewolf. Aldreda is engaged to a wizard, who is new to town. He moved here with his parents to prove he could be a Journalist.

I have learned to not let Aella cook. It never ends well. Neither of them have any cooking skill because Piper did all the cooking! So I figured why not start her off with something easy... its breakfast they can have waffles. So Aella is making waffles when all of a sudden the stove and the new counter I just bought them went up in flames!! Aldreda is a coward so she saw the flames, ran out of the house and then fainted. The fireman arrived,looked down at Aldreda, went right by, put out the fire and then scolded them to be more careful before leaving. The next day the same thing happened all over again! I kid you not. She is not allowed to cook any longer.

Nigel Niles proposing to Aldreda
the fire. The second time

Just keep simming everyone :)